[openstack-dev] [trove] MySQL HA BP

Ilya Sviridov isviridov at mirantis.com
Thu Sep 26 13:07:59 UTC 2013

The blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/mysql-ha

In order to become production ready DBaaS, Trove should provide ability to
deploy and manage high available database.

There are several approaches to achive HA in MySQL: driven by high
availability resource managers like Peacemaker [1] ,master-master
replication, Percona XTraDB Cluster [2] based on Galera library [3] so on.

But, as far as Trove DB instances are running in cloud environment, general
approach can be not always the best suitable option and should be discussed

[1] http://clusterlabs.org/
[2] http://www.percona.com/software/percona-xtradb-cluster
[3] https://launchpad.net/galera

With best regards,
Ilya Sviridov

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