[openstack-dev] Nominations for OpenStack PTLs (Project Technical Leads) are now open

Anita Kuno anteaya at anteaya.info
Fri Sep 20 16:06:04 UTC 2013

Nominations for OpenStack PTLs (Project Technical Leads) are now openand 
will remain open until 23:59 UTC September 26, 2013

To announce your candidacy please start a new 
openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org mailing list thread for yourself with 
the project name as a tag, example [Glance] PTL Candidacy.

I'm sure the electorate would appreciate a bit of information about why 
you would make a great PTL and the direction you would like to take the 
project, though it is not required for eligibility.

In order to be an eligible candidate (and be allowed to vote) on a given 
PTL election, you need to have contributed an accepted patch to one of 
the correspondingprogram's projects during the Grizzly-Havana timeframe 
(from 2012-09-27 to 2013-09-26, 23:59 PST).

We need to elect PTLs for 19 projects this round:

  *   Compute (Nova) - one position

  *   Object Storage (Swift) - one position

  *   Image Service (Glance) - one position

  *   Identity (Keystone) - one position

  *   Dashboard (Horizon) - one position

  *   Networking (Neutron) - one position

  *   Block Storage (Cinder) - one position

  *   Metering/Monitoring (Ceilometer) - one position

  *   Orchestration (Heat) - one position

  *   Database Service (Trove) - one position

  *   Bare metal (Ironic) - one position

  *   Queue service (Marconi) - one position

  *   Common Libraries (Oslo) - one position

  *   Infrastructure - one position

  *   Documentation - one position

  *   Quality Assurance (QA) - one position

  *   Deployment (TripleO) - one position

  *   Devstack (DevStack) - one position

  *   Release cycle management  - one position

Additional information about the nomination process can be found here: 

As I confirm candidates, I will add their name to the list of confirmed 
candidates on the above wiki page.

Elections will begin on September 27, 2013 (as soon as I get each 
election set up I will start it, it will probably be a staggered start) 
and run until at least 11:59 UTC October 3, 2013.

Happy running,
Anita Kuno (anteaya)
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