[openstack-dev] TC Candidacy

Mark McClain mark.mcclain at dreamhost.com
Thu Oct 10 18:18:20 UTC 2013


I'd like to announce my candidacy to continue serving on the Technical Committee.

About Me
I am currently a member of the Technical Committee and the Networking (Neutron) PTL.  I began working as developer on OpenStack during the Essex cycle. In addition to my work on Neutron, I have contributed code and reviews to most of the other integrated projects. I believe that cross project contributions are essential to foster collaboration and sharing of ideas within our community.  I'm a member of the Stable Release Team and the Requirements Team.  My work on both teams provides a cross project view of our community with an eye towards stability and consistency.  Outside of development, I travel worldwide to conferences to advocate and educate on OpenStack and interact with users and deployers.  I've been professionally developing Python software for 13 years.

OpenStack is one community comprised of many parts and we must function as one unit to continue our growth.  As a TC member, I will continue to place the interests of the larger community first when making decisions.  There are several key areas I'd like to see the TC focus on:

Unified Experience
	For OpenStack to be successful we must strive to provide a unified experience for both users and deployers.  Users want tools that are well documented and easy to use.  The documentation and tools must be portable across deployments (both public and private) so that users do not need to concern themselves with the implementation details.  At the same time, deployers should be able to upgrade between releases and maintain a known level of compatibility.  Our community has worked hard to improve this experience and this should remain a focus going forward.

	The Technical Committee should serve as a high level forum to facilitate defining cross project technical and procedural requirements.  While many of our programs share commonalities, there are still differences in policies and technical decisions.  The TC should work to build consensus and reduce the differences between the projects so the community can function as one.

	The issue of scope was a recurring theme during my recent term on the TC.  As the OpenStack ecosystem grows beyond Infrastructure as a Service, the committee needs to more clearly define the criteria used to determine the kind of projects and programs that fit within the scope of integrated releases and how they move through the progression of incubation to graduation.  In addition to defining the criteria, the Technical Committee should to work develop policies and procedures to provide some guidance to projects which are outside of the scope an integrated release, but valuable to our community.

We have built a very special community through the contributions of many.  These contributions have powered our phenomenal growth and I'm excited about our future!


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