[openstack-dev] Split of the openstack-dev list (summary so far)

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Mon Nov 18 10:14:50 UTC 2013

Morgan Fainberg wrote:
> TL;DR Don't split the community, work to improve the tools for those
> who are overwhelmed. (Email clients, enforcing use of subject tags,
> etc)

Thanks everyone for the insightful comments ! Like I said earlier, we
can keep it the way it is, but I just wanted to make sure the benefits
outweigh the drawbacks. In this precise case it appears that we can try
to minimize the drawbacks by using appropriate tools and techniques,
while it's hard to preserve the cross-pollination benefits if we split
the list.

It's also a bit unclear that just separating stackforge topics would
actually make that big of a difference. So my suggestion would be:

- continue having everything on the same list
- encourage the use of clear subject lines and topic prefixes
- fight off-topic threads (feel free to join the squad)
- replace redundant/recurrent information by appropriate reference info
(think meeting reminders vs. ical feed)
- exchange tips and tricks on how to deal with the mail pile efficiently

And yes, the irony of having created a 60+ message thread to discuss
reducing the amount of emails we all have to parse is not totally lost
on me :)

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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