[openstack-dev] [opinion-wanted] Clients man pages

Jakub Ruzicka jruzicka at redhat.com
Tue May 21 18:52:04 UTC 2013


I plan to provide consistent man pages for all OpenStack clients and I'd
love to see your opinion about few important details:


Although man pages can be generated the same way as help, a copy of help
output doesn't bring any real value.

Man page should provide something extra like:
 * verbose descriptions of more complicated commands/options
 * howto use the tool to solve common tasks
 * examples of usage
 * where to find more information

Do you see any value in including the command list in man page without
providing more detailed information than `$CLIENT help` does?


man format is ugly and hard to maintain, man page should be stored in
something saner like reStructuredText or AsciiDoc.

Which format do you recommend?


I'd like to include few useful examples of most common use cases for sure.

Beyond that, there are basically 3 options:

1) Provide only basic information with bold
Run `$CLIENT help` to get available commands and their descriptions.

Run `$CLIENT help <command>` to get information about <command>.

2) Provide detailed information about selected commands/features/tasks only.

3) Provide detailed information about all commands. As I don't have so
much time on my hands, I'd start with `$CLIENT help` (pretty much what
help2man outputs) and extend it over time with detailed information.
I don't like this very much because:
 * Will someone actually extend it?
 * This would require maintenance and could easily go out of sync.

What should be in the man page?


What is the best way to create a blueprint concerning multiple
components (all the clients) in LP?

Thanks in advance for your valuable input!

Jakub Ruzicka

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