[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] feature freeze exception request for hbase backend

Nicolas Barcet nicolas at barcet.com
Thu Feb 21 13:46:51 UTC 2013

[Just updating the subject]

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:08 PM, <Stanislav_M at dellteam.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to ask for a feature freeze exception for the HBase storage
> driver for Ceilometer, based on the following blueprint:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+spec/hbase-storage-backend
> The code to implement this driver is under review at present, pending a
> small fix to line up with the latest changes to the API
> (get_meter_statistics taking "period" parameter). It is going to be a
> functional release supporting HBase versions 0.92-0.94. It is a very low
> risk commit since the driver is a standalone extension and will not
> break any of the other Openstack/Ceilometer components.
> It is important to us to have this in the Grizzly release because this
> will allow it to be more easily kept up to date with Ceilometer changes,
> to be easily available to the community and to provide a base for new
> features to be added when they are available in HBase, e.g. secondary
> indexes.
> Thanks,
> Stas
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Nicolas Barcet <nicolas at barcet.com>
a.k.a. nijaba, nick
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