[openstack-dev] [qa][tempest] Bug Triage Day - Thu 12th - Prep

Adalberto Medeiros adalbas at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Dec 10 14:52:12 UTC 2013

Hi all!

We have the Tempest Bug Triage Day this Thursday and there are a few 
points to start digging and investigating from now on.

First let me share the guidelines link (Openstack Wiki for Bug Triage): 

Starting from that, there are a few issues and observations to consider 
for discussion:

1) Confirmed and Triaged status. There seems to not have a consistency 
on those status, apparently being used as synonyms. Any thoughts on how 
or if we should differ them?

2) New Bugs 
We have 116 (and growing) new bugs to *prioritize, confirm and identify 
duplicates*. *This is where the team needs to put most of the effort.*
There are also 5 New bugs assigned 
should be converted to Confirmed/ In Progress.

3) Confirmed and Triaged bugs: 13 assigned 
should be changed to In Progress if it makes sense or removed assignees. 
The other 30 confirmed/triaged 
should be prioritized.

4) 4 In Progress/ Fix Committed 
bugs should not remain unassigned. Either have someone assigned or move 
it back to Confirmed and ensure importance.

5) Old bugs:
  * 15 In Progress 
with last update comments in October. Assignees should verify if the 
status still makes sense. If not, the bug may be moved back to 
Confirmed/Invalid and prioritized accordingly.
  * Confirmed/Triaged 
: review importances and assignees. Also look for duplicates.

I think the focus on Thursday should be specially on item 2, but also 
looking at 3. I'll start looking at those points and all the help here 
is appreciated. The final goal is to have this process well established 
to avoid getting a huge list of new bugs without review.

Please, all thoughts/opinions will be really appreciated.

Best regards,

Adalberto Medeiros
Linux Technology Center
Openstack and Cloud Development
IBM Brazil
Email:adalbas at linux.vnet.ibm.com

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