[openstack-dev] can't install devstack - nova-api did not start

Dan Genin daniel.genin at jhuapl.edu
Fri Aug 9 14:56:47 UTC 2013

Ditto. Same issue.

I tried commenting out the offending lines but got this:

2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 CRITICAL nova 
[req-4744c94f-5e2c-4a04-ab43-8836f5a89947 None None] (OperationalError) 
no such table: networks u'SELECT networks.created_at AS 
networks_created_at, networks.updated_at AS networks_updated_at, 
networks.deleted_at AS networks_deleted_at, networks.deleted AS 
networks_deleted, networks.id AS networks_id, networks.label AS 
networks_label, networks.injected AS networks_injected, networks.cidr AS 
networks_cidr, networks.cidr_v6 AS networks_cidr_v6, networks.multi_host 
AS networks_multi_host, networks.gateway_v6 AS networks_gateway_v6, 
networks.netmask_v6 AS networks_netmask_v6, networks.netmask AS 
networks_netmask, networks.bridge AS networks_bridge, 
networks.bridge_interface AS networks_bridge_interface, networks.gateway 
AS networks_gateway, networks.broadcast AS networks_broadcast, 
networks.dns1 AS networks_dns1, networks.dns2 AS networks_dns2, 
networks.vlan AS networks_vlan, networks.vpn_public_address AS 
networks_vpn_public_address, networks.vpn_public_port AS 
networks_vpn_public_port, networks.vpn_private_address AS 
networks_vpn_private_address, networks.dhcp_start AS 
networks_dhcp_start, networks.rxtx_base AS networks_rxtx_base, 
networks.project_id AS networks_project_id, networks.priority AS 
networks_priority, networks.host AS networks_host, networks.uuid AS 
networks_uuid \nFROM networks \nWHERE networks.deleted = ?' (0,)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova Traceback (most recent call last):
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/bin/nova-manage", line 10, in <module>
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     sys.exit(main())
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/cmd/manage.py", line 1377, in main
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     ret = fn(*fn_args, **fn_kwargs)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/cmd/manage.py", line 530, in create
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova 
net_manager.create_networks(context.get_admin_context(), **kwargs)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/manager.py", line 1065, in create_networks
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     return 
self._do_create_networks(context, **kwargs)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/network/manager.py", line 1105, in _do_create_networks
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     nets = 
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/db/api.py", line 901, in network_get_all
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     return 
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py", line 123, in wrapper
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     return f(*args, **kwargs)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/opt/stack/nova/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py", line 2427, in network_get_all
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     result = 
model_query(context, models.Network, read_deleted="no").all()
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 
2115, in all
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     return list(self)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 
2227, in __iter__
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     return 
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 
2242, in _execute_and_instances
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     result = 
conn.execute(querycontext.statement, self._params)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 
1449, in execute
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     params)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 
1584, in _execute_clauseelement
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     compiled_sql, distilled_params
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 
1698, in _execute_context
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     context)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 
1691, in _execute_context
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova     context)
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
line 331, in do_execute
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova cursor.execute(statement, 
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova   File 
line 331, in do_execute
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova cursor.execute(statement, 
2013-08-09 10:47:50.257 9748 TRACE nova OperationalError: 
(OperationalError) no such table: networks u'SELECT networks.created_at 
AS networks_created_at, networks.updated_at AS networks_updated_at, 
networks.deleted_at AS networks_deleted_at, networks.deleted AS 
networks_deleted, networks.id AS networks_id, networks.label AS 
networks_label, networks.injected AS networks_injected, networks.cidr AS 
networks_cidr, networks.cidr_v6 AS networks_cidr_v6, networks.multi_host 
AS networks_multi_host, networks.gateway_v6 AS networks_gateway_v6, 
networks.netmask_v6 AS networks_netmask_v6, networks.netmask AS 
networks_netmask, networks.bridge AS networks_bridge, 
networks.bridge_interface AS networks_bridge_interface, networks.gateway 
AS networks_gateway, networks.broadcast AS networks_broadcast, 
networks.dns1 AS networks_dns1, networks.dns2 AS networks_dns2, 
networks.vlan AS networks_vlan, networks.vpn_public_address AS 
networks_vpn_public_address, networks.vpn_public_port AS 
networks_vpn_public_port, networks.vpn_private_address AS 
networks_vpn_private_address, networks.dhcp_start AS 
networks_dhcp_start, networks.rxtx_base AS networks_rxtx_base, 
networks.project_id AS networks_project_id, networks.priority AS 
networks_priority, networks.host AS networks_host, networks.uuid AS 
networks_uuid \nFROM networks \nWHERE networks.deleted = ?' (0,)

On 08/09/2013 09:14 AM, Roman Gorodeckij wrote:
> Tried to install devstack to dedicated server, ip's are defined.
> Here's the output:
> 13-08-09 09:06:28 ++ echo -ne '\015'
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + NL=$'\r'
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + screen -S stack -p n-api -X stuff 'cd /opt/stack/nova && /'sr/local/bin/nova-api || touch "/opt/stack/status/stack/n-api.failure"
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + echo 'Waiting for nova-api to start...'
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 Waiting for nova-api to start...
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + wait_for_service 60http://
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + local timeout=60
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + local url=
> 2013-08-09 09:06:28 + timeout 60 sh -c 'while ! http_proxy= https_proxy= curl -shttp://  >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done'
> 2013-08-09 09:07:28 + die 698 'nova-api did not start'
> 2013-08-09 09:07:28 + local exitcode=0
> stack at hp:~/devstack$ 2013-08-09 09:07:28 + set +o xtrace
> Here's the log:
> 2013-08-09 09:07:28 [ERROR] ./stack.sh:698 nova-api did not start
> stack at hp:~/devstack$ cat /tmp/devstack/log//screen-n-api.log
> t/stack/status/stack/n-api.failure"nova && /usr/local/bin/nova-api || touch "/op
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/usr/local/bin/nova-api", line 6, in <module>
>      from nova.cmd.api import main
>    File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/cmd/api.py", line 29, in <module>
>      from nova import config
>    File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/config.py", line 22, in <module>
>      from nova.openstack.common.db.sqlalchemy import session as db_session
>    File "/opt/stack/nova/nova/openstack/common/db/sqlalchemy/session.py", line 279, in <module>
>      deprecated_opts=[cfg.DeprecatedOpt('sql_connection',
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DeprecatedOpt'

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