[openstack-dev] [API] Standardizing status codes in the native API

Eoghan Glynn eglynn at redhat.com
Sun Jul 22 16:39:31 UTC 2012

> >> Agreed, I expect a number of clients are checking for 200, and not
> >> a
> >> generic 2xx status code. So, while I am all in favor of this
> >> change,
> >> I think it requires a version bump.
> > Thanks Jay&  Sean for the responses,
> >
> > Normally I'd agree with you that we need to very reticent about
> > breaking
> > backward compatibility, however in this case I suspect we may be
> > talking
> > about bug compatibility.
> >
> > The way the code is structured (defaulting to a 200 response code,
> > as
> > opposed to setting this explicitly) and the fact that some other
> > native
> > APIs return 202 on resource creation, led to me to believe that the
> > current behavior may be the result of an over-sight as opposed to a
> > deliberate choice.
> That may well be the case but I don't think it matters. The point of
> maintaining API compatibility for
> a specific version is that applications using the OpenStack APIs will
> not break when an operator upgrades to
> a new version of OpenStack (Folsom, Grizzly, etc.) that supports that
> same API version. Also that applications should work across any
> OpenStack implementation supporting the particular API version.
> This has nothing to do with code organization, consistency with other
> APIs, or whether developers think some aspect of the existing API is
> bad. If a code change causes Tempest tests to fail, or could break
> any
> correctly working application, it is probably an unacceptable API
> change. An API change cannot be allowed without bumping the version
> number. I think the only exception to this would be if an API change
> was
> necessary to fix a security bug.
> Also, with regard to compatibility, it makes no difference what some
> spec says if it is different from what the code does. Changing the
> code
> to conform to the "spec" should still require a version bump if it
> would
> break existing applications.
> Finally, I don't understand why the behavior of things like
> novaclient
> matters at all with regard to this issue. The OpenStack API is the
> API, not the clients. The fact that a client could be modified to
> accommodate both old and new behavior does not mean it is not an API
> change that will break applications using the OpenStack APIs.

OK, I've modified the patch in question to leave the status code
as-was, but to go ahead and add a Location header - this being a
purely additive change, it should be safe (i.e. I can't image any
clients relying on the *absence* of a header).

In general, do we have any way of tracking the backlog of API "fixes"
that are awaiting the next major version?

Also is there a v3 compute API on the horizon, or is that just
something that will come into focus when we have accumulated enough
reasons to change the current API?


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