[openstack-dev] Modelling the creation of multiple networks in Nova's REST API

Mark Nottingham mnot at mnot.net
Fri Jul 20 01:43:50 UTC 2012

Hey Mark,

Just from a pure HTTP perspective, there's nothing wrong with creating multiple things with a POST; we just clarified this in HTTP.


Of course, there's still a question as to whether it's a useful thing to do. 


On 19/07/2012, at 11:20 PM, Mark McLoughlin wrote:

> Hi,
> I was just reviewing the code for this:
>  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/os-api-network-create
> You POST to /networks:
>  {"network": {"vlan_start": 234, "cidr": "", "label": "net234"}}
> and get back e.g.
>  {"networks": [{..., "id": 66085e78-8f6-4a26-b16c-4b1f55901fbd", ..., "label": "net234", ..., "vlan": 234, ..., "cidr": "", ...}]}
> Notice the plural "networks" in the response. A single POST may create
> multiple networks (where e.g. FLAGS.num_networks > 1), but it's not
> clear to me what the use case for this is.
> The issue with this is that (at least IMHO) POST requests should only
> create a single resource - e.g. we want to be able to return a 201
> Created response with a Location header and it would seem bizarre to
> include multiple location headers.
> So:
>  - What's this batch network create thing for?
>  - Is it important for it to be available in the API?
>  - If it is important to make available in the API, any thoughts on 
>    modelling it?
> Cheers,
> Mark.
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Mark Nottingham   http://www.mnot.net/

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