[openstack-dev] Announcing proof-of-concept Load Balancing as a Service project

Eugene Kirpichov ekirpichov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 18:55:46 UTC 2012

REMINDER: the IRC meeting will happen in 5 minutes on #openstack-meetings.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Eugene Kirpichov <ekirpichov at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello community,
> We at Mirantis have had a number of clients request functionality to
> control various load balancer devices (software and hardware) via an
> OpenStack API and horizon. So, in collaboration with Cisco OpenStack
> team and a number of other community members, we’ve started
> socializing the blueprints for an elastic load balancer API service.
> At this point we’d like to share where we are and would very much
> appreciate anyone participate and provide input.
> The current vision is to allow cloud tenants to request and
> provision virtual load balancers on demand and allow cloud
> administrators to manage a pool of available LB devices. Access is
> provided under a unified interface to different kinds of load
> balancers, both software and hardware. It means that API for tenants
> is abstracted away from the actual API of underlying hardware or
> software load balancers, and LBaaS effectively bridges this gap.
> POC level support for Cisco ACE and HAproxy is currently implemented
> in the form of plug-ins to LBaaS called “drivers”. We also started some
> work on F5 drivers. Would appreciate hearing input on what other
> drivers may be important at this point…nginx?
> Another question we have is if this should be a standalone module or a
> Quantum plugin… Dan – any feedback on this (and BTW congrats on the
> acquisition =).
> In order not to reinvent the wheel, we decided to base our API on
> Atlas-LB (http://wiki.openstack.org/Atlas-LB).
> Here are all the pointers:
>  * Project overview: http://goo.gl/vZdei
>  * Screencast: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgAL-kfdbtE
>  * API draft: http://goo.gl/gFcWT
>  * Roadmap: http://goo.gl/EZAhf
>  * Github repo: https://github.com/Mirantis/openstack-lbaas
> The code is written in Python and based on the OpenStack service
> template. We’ll be happy to give a walkthrough over what we have to
> anyone who may be interested in contributing (for example, creating a
> driver to support a particular LB device).
> All of the documents and code are not set in stone and we’re writing
> here specifically to ask for feedback and collaboration from the
> community.
> We would like to start holding weekly IRC meetings at
> #openstack-meeting; we propose 19:00 UTC on Thursdays (this time seems
> free according to http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ ), starting Aug 2.
> --
> Eugene Kirpichov
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekirpichov

Eugene Kirpichov

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