[Interop-wg] [interop-challenge] Workload Results

Tong Li litong01 at us.ibm.com
Fri May 5 05:08:35 UTC 2017

1.) Your name: Tong Li

2.) Your email: litong01 at us.ibm.com

3.) Reporting on behalf of Company/Organization: IBM

4.) Name and version (if applicable) of the product you tested: IBM Bluemix

5.) Version of OpenStack the product uses: Mitaka

6.) Link to RefStack results for this product:
7.) Workload 1, Phase 1: K8s with Ansible/Shade

 A.) Did the workload run successfully? Yes
 B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages? N/A
 C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this
product? N/A
 D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this
     workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what
     would need to be done? N/A

8.) Workload 1, Phase 2: Multicloud K8s/cockroachdb
 A.) Did the workload run successfully? Yes
 B.) If not, did you encounter any end-user visible error messages?  N/A
 C.) Were you able to determine why the workload failed on this
product? N/A
 D.) (optional) In your estimation, how hard would it be to modify this
     workload to get it running on this product?  Can you describe what
     would need to be done? N/A

Tong Li
IBM Open Technology
Building 501/B205
litong01 at us.ibm.com
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