[Interop-wg] FW: [openstack-dev] [rally][no-admin] Finally Rally can be run without admin user

Rochelle Grober rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Tue Jun 13 22:10:24 UTC 2017

Hey guys.

I just wanted to nake you guys aware of this.  Since Rally can now be run without admin privileges, this may open up available tests and test tools to expand interop testing.  Yes, we’d need to open a discussion with the TC and board, but right now it’s just an interesting side note that might be interesting to bounce around in our brains and labs a bit.


From: Boris Pavlovic [mailto:boris at pavlovic.me]
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 1:04 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [openstack-dev] [rally][no-admin] Finally Rally can be run without admin user

Hi stackers,


Initially Rally was targeted for developers which means running it from admin was OK.
Admin was basically used to simplify preparing environment for testing: create and setup users/tenants, networks, quotas and other resources that requires admin role.
As well it was used to cleanup all resources after test was executed.


More and more operators were running Rally against their production environments, and they were not happy with the thing that they should provide admin, they would rather prepare environment by hand and provide already existing users than allow Rally to mess up with admin rights =)


After years of refactoring we changed almost everything;) and we managed to keep Rally as simple as it was and support Operators and Developers needs.

Now Rally supports 3 different modes:

  *   admin mode -> Rally manages users that are used for testing
  *   admin + existing users mode -> Rally uses existing users for testing (if no user context)
  *   [new one] existing users mode -> Rally uses existing users for testing
In every mode input task will look the same, however in case of only existing users mode you won't be able to use plugins that requires admin role.

This patch finishes works: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/465495/

Thanks to everybody that was involved in this huge effort!

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic
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