[Elections-committee] Thank you and Actions

Todd Moore tmmoore at us.ibm.com
Thu Nov 7 16:40:05 UTC 2013

Election Committee and Board Members,

Thank you for attending and supporting the Town Hall meeting on the
Election Process.  Special thanks to Simon, Mark and Monty for getting up
in front of our audience.

Turn out was light for the Town Hall session.  At the peak I counted 38,
with 8 of those were board members.  The audience was mostly composed of
the individuals that have been commenting on the mailing lists.  This
suggests that we have much work to do to reach and educate the electorate.
We received feedback that follow up education via IRC chat sessions would
be a good measure.  The attendees also felt that we should be bringing
forward a single suggestion to be voted on as a bylaws change as opposed to
a menu of options.  If we accept this feedback, the board will need to make
a selection and not offer a slate of options.

Some committee members have suggested that maybe we are trying to move too
fast.   To move this along, 2/3 of the board will need to approve a
modification, and then a majority vote on a turn out of 25% of the
membership to approve it.  We possibly need to first address the voter
participation level necessary to pass a bylaws change.  We certainly need
to do more education and discussion with the members and gauge interest in
the topic.  We need to arrange the IRC discussions over the next several
weeks.  I would welcome recommendations on times and dates where board
members could also participate.

Thanks again.

Todd M. Moore

Director, Interoperability and Partnerships

11501 Burnet Rd. MS 9035H014
Austin, TX , 78758.  (512) 286-7643 (tie-line 363)
tmmoore at us.ibm.com
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