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I believe it's important for us to have a specific recommendation for the board meeting so there can be a vote that moves us forward. I've compiled a draft based on my understanding of the Foundation's proposal and discussions on the list. Discussion (or +1) is encouraged!
I will preemptively remind everyone about the glaring omission of Keystone. There were no tests, so we have no Havana Keystone capabilities.
<h1 id="docs-internal-guid-e8720927-1c4a-a2a5-2b7e-cf3a6dfced44" dir="ltr"><span>Platform and Program Capabilities</span></h1>
<p id="docs-internal-guid-e8720927-1c4d-b511-e63f-46b71ba050e6" dir="ltr"><span>Recommendation: Extend the DefCore principles to allow for multiple levels: programs and platforms. Programs represent subsections of the overall platform. In some cases, it is acceptable for a program identified without being included in the platform. New programs are added at Foundation recommendation via board approval. Programs are added to the platform via board approval.</span></p>
<p dir="ltr"><span>Recommendation: The initial programs will be Compute & Object. The DefCore platform will require the Compute program, Object program and additional capabilities.</span></p>
<p dir="ltr"><span>Recommendation: The Compute Program will consist of the following capabilities: </span></p>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-servers </span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-volume</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-quotas</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-flavors</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-auth</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-keypairs</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-servers-metadata</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-floating-ips </span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-images </span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-instance-actions </span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>compute-security-groups</span></p> </li>
<br />
<p dir="ltr"><span>Recommendation: The Object Program will consist of the following capabilities:</span></p>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>objectstore-object, </span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>objectstore-container</span></p> </li>
<br />
<p dir="ltr"><span>Recommendation: The Platform will consist of all the capabilities in the Compute and Object programs and the following capabilities:</span></p>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>images-v1</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"><span>volume</span></p> </li>
<li dir="ltr"><span>volume-snapshots </span></li>
<div id="ox-signature">
<br />
<br />Rob
<br />____________________________
<br />Rob Hirschfeld, 512-773-7522
<br />
<br />I am in CENTRAL (-6) time
<br />http://robhirschfeld.com
<br />twitter: @zehicle, github: cloudedge & ravolt