[OpenStack-DefCore] Technical governance changes that may impact DefCore processes

Thierry Carrez thierry at openstack.org
Thu Feb 12 09:05:23 UTC 2015

See comments & corrections below.

FWIW I'm preparing a openstack.org blog post to publicize the recent

Rochelle Grober wrote:
> [...]
> New project tag “Integrated-Release”:
> http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/integrated-release.html
> Note on the above, the last section lists the “integrated” projects for
> Kilo.

This tag is more a way to seamlessly transition the previous
categorization (being part of the integrated release or not) into the
new world order. Kilo will still do an integrated release, so we use the
tag to describe it.

> [...]
> These specify the new process for a project to “join” OpenStack.  They
> no longer will be moved to the OpenStack repositories, but can remain in
> stackforge.

I don't know where you got that information. Obviously projects
recognized as "produced by the OpenStack community" will live under the
openstack/ git organization name. Stackforge is explicitly *not* OpenStack.

The spec you linked to states:

"The second part of the change is recognizing that there is more to
“OpenStack” than a finite set of projects blessed by the Technical
Committee. We already have plenty of projects that are developed on
OpenStack infrastructure, follow the OpenStack way of doing things, have
development discussions on the openstack-dev mailing-list and use
#openstack-meeting channels for their team meetings. Those are part of
the OpenStack community as well, and we propose that those should
considered “OpenStack projects” (and be hosted under openstack git
namespaces), as long as they meet an objective criteria for inclusion
(to be developed as one of the work items below)."

> [...]
> Along with the new project process, there is also a new testing
> guidelines document that will be applied to all projects wanting to
> become part of OpenStack:
> http://governance.openstack.org/reference/project-testing-interface.html

This document is actually not new. It describes how we operated in the
past years.


Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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