[OpenStack-DefCore] Clarification requested in defcore process

Rochelle Grober rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Wed Feb 4 22:05:29 UTC 2015

Hey, Joe.

The defcore committee has just begun the process of identifying and rating capabilities for Icehouse (and Juno).  It is not expected that a finalized, vetted and approved list will be available much before the Vancouver summit.

But, the committee is always looking for folks willing to help make these sorts of happen faster.

Anyway, check the defcore wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/DefCoreCommittee

We need to get the latest etherpads with the meeting logs added here, though. (help, Rob???)

We are working to get more organized, but sign up for the mailing list to get more up to date info.

--Rocky Grober

From: Joe Savak [mailto:joe.savak at RACKSPACE.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 1:47 PM
To: defcore-committee at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [OpenStack-DefCore] Clarification requested in defcore process

Howdy defcore - I apologize if these have already been answered -

1)      When do icehouse-core capabilities become "defcore" and accepted?

2)      Based on  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ags6GY_6T6qqdDBFOUNfdGs1VF85NmU3WjZXeFd3bGc&usp=sharing#gid=6 (which I  think may be a work-in-progress), the only identity capability candidate rated high is <identity-non-admin-roles>, but that doesn't seem to have any tests: https://github.com/stackforge/refstack/blob/master/defcore/icehousecore.json#L1449. Am I reading that right as a gap?


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