[OpenStack-DefCore] Seeking DefCore Feedback from Summit (you can just +1 if you think community supports DefCore)

Alan Clark aclark at suse.com
Tue May 20 19:33:46 UTC 2014

>>> On 5/19/2014 at 12:04 PM, <Rob_Hirschfeld at Dell.com> wrote: 
> All,
> I would very much appreciate hearing from the committee about positives and 
> negatives raised during the summit about DefCore.  To me, silence means we 
> have to slow down and get more feedback.  So even a "+1" on this email would 
> be helpful.
> Overall, the people like the approach and results.  I got only favorable 
> comments about how we are determining core and the way we are driving the 
> process.  I heard no objections to the criteria or resulting small-core.

I received positive responses to the criteria.

> Here are the issues raised (feel free to reply with elaboration):
> 1.       Swift capabilities are scored as core.  This will force the 
> question of which parts of Swift are designated.  If 0% then other object 
> stores just need API compatibility.  If 100% then we're going to have to 
> address vendors who want to ship Swift alternatives without the code.   At 
> this point, there's nothing in between.

This well defines the swift question. Agree with your proposal.

> 2.       Nova Docker is an interesting use case because Docker does not use 
> Glance or Cinder in the same way as libvirt Nova does.  This means that a 
> Docker cloud would not pass the core tests for Glance or Cinder as currently 
> structured.

ok a naive question on my part.  Is this a question for the first release or something to address for Juno?  I ask the question because I'm not sure what the stated Docker support was for Havana and Icehouse.

> 3.       We need more technical community input into capabilities grouping.  
> Troy did great but we need to transfer ownership.
> 4.       We should use the Ice House tempest even for Havana because of 
> structural improvements made to the latest Tempest code.


> Rob
> ______________________________
> Rob Hirschfeld
> Sr. Distinguished Cloud Solution Architect
> Dell | Cloud Edge, Data Center Solutions
> cell +1 512 909-7219 blog robhirschfeld.com, twitter @zehicle
> Please note, I am based in the CENTRAL (-6) time zone

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